The Tutorial Data SetΒΆ

Note: This tutorial was prepared for a training workshop utilizing our local compute infrastrucutre. If you want to download the data set to your machine and run it locally, you can find the data here.

We have prepared a small toy data set for this tutorial. The data is located in /vol/metagencourse/DATA/WGS-data directory, which has the following content:

File Content
genomes/ Directory containing the reference genomes
gold_std/ Gold Standard assemblies
read1.fq Read 1 of paired reads (FASTQ)
read2.fq Read 2 of paired reads (FASTQ)
reads.fas Shuffled reads (FASTA)

Create a working directory in your home directory and symbolic links to the data files:

cd ~/workdir
mkdir assembly
cd assembly
ln -s /vol/metagencourse/DATA/WGS-data/* .